
This is my code (after the sanctus example in
with \version "2.18.0") :

\paper {
ragged-right = ##t

\include "gregorian.ly"
\score {
    \new VaticanaVoice = "cantus" {
      \clef "vaticana-do3"
\[ g \pes a \]
d' c' \[ c' \flexa bes \]
a \[ a \episemInitium \flexa g \episemFinis \]
s a bes a
\[ g \flexa f \] e
\[ f \flexa e \] \augmentum d
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "cantus" {
Ro- ra- - te coe- li de- - su- per -
et nu- bes plu- - ant Jus- - tum.

and I get the follwing result (see attachment, b/w and cropped to reduce size).

I am not happy with the first b-flat (too close to the flexus), the
episema (too close to the flexa, maybe the ictus, too far from note.

And about usage:
in the sanctus example mentionned above, the hyphens are simple and
lily interprets them as: "jump to the next neuma"
In my example it seems to be a "wait to the next note" but the hyphens
I had to insert are colliding with the text.

Do I do smthg wrong I could do better?

Thanks in advance,

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