---- Original Message ----- From: "David Sumbler" <da...@aeolia.co.uk>
Clearly I am doing something wrong - perhaps it is to do with the way I
have entered my tempo markings.  Just to make things clearer, I am
setting a saxophone quartet (that I wrote in 1978!); I want tempo
markings to appear once above the top line in the score, but naturally I
also want these markings to appear in the extracted parts for the 4
The following does what you ask , as far as I understand it:

musicOne = { c''1 \tempo "Test" c'' }
musicTwo = { a'1 \tempo "Test" a' }

\score {
\new staff { \musicOne }
\new staff { \musicTwo }

\score {
\new staff { \musicOne }

\score {
\new staff { \musicTwo }

Phil Holmes

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