Am 30.12.2014 13:16, schrieb David Sumbler:
Further to my query (below) yesterday about varying ralls and accels in
midi, how do I actually get these to work at all?
At the moment the articulate script is working correctly in executing
trills, slurs etc. But it ignores my "rit." markings and suchlike. I
have tried entering these using "\mark \markup" and also attaching
"markup" to a note, but my midi files do not vary the tempo at all.
What syntax should I use to enter ralls and accels in a score?
It’s not wholly clear what you tried, but I’d assume that <code>\tempo
"rit."</code> is what you want. The difference from \mark is mainly that
it lives in score and thus is printed only once above all staves, no
matter how many parts have the same tempo marking. And probably will then interpret it correctly (yet I don’t have any
experience with that).
HTH, Simon
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