
> I believe that this understates the amount of complexity of how large-scale 
> repeats are used in practice.

Repeat structures can certainly be complex.

> I am wondering how these could be implemented using the suggested functional 
> syntax.

If we’re serious about implementing a simple(r) mechanism/function, we should 
discuss each scenario which is reasonably likely to crop up, and try to design 
a solution which addresses as many as possible in as elegant a way as possible.

> I often wonder why we can't have and manipulate object versions of scores, 
> staves, books, etc.

That would certainly be great!

> Here is how it would look using modern object.property and 
> object.method(argumentList) syntax

Wow… and I thought it was hard *now* to convince my non-programmer friends and 
colleagues to try Lilypond.  ;)

> Even if a \repeat coda command existed, there would probably need to be a way 
> to tweak all these relevant variables/properties related to layout of the 
> coda. There are perhaps a score's worth of parameters to handle. So, creating 
> a new score (whether explicitly or through syntactic sugar) to manipulate the 
> coda is probably a reasonable approach anyway. 

Your conclusion doesn’t follow logically from the premise (which I agree with, 
by the way).

If defaults are set up well, and there is syntactic sugar to make wholesale 
adjustments (e.g., \set Score.codaStyle = #’… could switch between non-broken, 
inline-broken, and newline-broken codas), the effort required would be far less 
than the effort required to create a new score, knit back together the parts, 
midi, etc. On a smaller scale, the current \repeat varieties have dozens (maybe 
hundreds?) of parameters/properties that can be set — but it’s clearly easier 
to use \repeat volta 2 { … } than to try and build all the relevant bits by 


p.s. **Please** don’t quote an entire day’s digest in a post — it’s 
unnecessary, wasteful, and irritating to many readers.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
www:  <http://www.kierenmacmillan.info>
email:  i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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