Thomas Morley <thomasmorley65 <at>> writes:

> > I am using my own plectrum banjo fretboard definition. I wonder if that can
> > be incorporated into your code? I will post an example of my file below.
> I'll have a look tomorrow. Right now it's in the middle of the night here ...
> In any case I'd need to know how'plectrumTuning' is defined.

In the file usr/share/lilypond/current/ly/ I added the
following lines:

%% tunings for 4-string banjo
\makeDefaultStringTuning #'plectrumTuning \stringTuning <c g b d'>

> > The other question is, is it possible to output the images with more
> > descriptive filenames, such as
> >
> > basefilename-C.png
> > basefilename-C6.png
> > basefilename-C7.png
> > basefilename-Cm7.png
> > basefilename-Cdim7.png
> Well, I have no good idea how to achieve it.
> Would be great to read the names for the chords from 'somewhere'. Then
> they could appended to the filenames.
> Though I've no idea where to look for that 'somewhere'

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