> How about compiling your code with
> lilypond -dpreview -dresolution=200 your-file.ly
> ?
> (or whatever resolution is apropiate)

Oh wow! That -dpreview trims the file nicely. I was prepared to use
ImageMagik's convert program to trim the whitespace thusly, "convert -trim
filename.png outfile.png" -- but now I don't have to do that.

I guess the question is, since I've got to construct a lot of repetitive
lines of code for each chord, am I doing this in the most efficient manner?
This would be great for a for-loop kind of thing. Do you see any way to
simplify or automate my code? Maybe with macros, or something else?

\version "2.19.15"
%#(set-global-staff-size 30)

\include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly"
\paper { oddFooterMarkup = ##f }
\include "english.ly"
%\include "predefined-plectrum-banjo-fretboards.ly"
\include "predefined-guitar-fretboards.ly"

plec = { 
  %\set Staff.stringTunings = #plectrumTuning 
  \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.number-type = #'arabic
  \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'in-dot

chord_C    = \chordmode { c   } #(define output-suffix "chord_C")   \book {
<< \new ChordNames { \chord_C  } \new FretBoards { \plec \chord_C  } >> }
chord_Cm   = \chordmode { c:m } #(define output-suffix "chord_Cm")  \book {
<< \new ChordNames { \chord_Cm } \new FretBoards { \plec \chord_Cm } >> }

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