On Mon, 01 Dec 2014 12:28:54 -0800, Knute Snortum <ksnor...@gmail.com> wrote:

* Is there a way to keep this structure and get rid of the warning?

The warning is about being unable to fit the beam between the notes, because 
you forced the stem directions in such a way to force the beam between the 
LilyPond usually sets the staff spacing based on everything that doesn't cross 
staves, and then decides whether to 'knee' the cross-staff beam depending on 
how far apart the staves are.

In this case it does look nicer with the knee, and once the rest of the music 
is in place the staves will be spaced apart, anyway.  You'll want the dynamics 
to clear the beam, for example, and adding this spreads the staves.

upperStaffTop = \relative c'' {
 \clef bass
 s8. \once\override DynamicLineSpanner.staff-padding = #4
 s16\< s8\ff s }

* The initial e flat in the lower staff is an eighth note, and the stem
needs to extend up beyond the 32nd note beams of the grace notes.

Why? The beam slope changes there, so the notation is clear in any case.
When you open up the staves it might look like you want.  Otherwise, it 
involves looking up 'beam-positions' in the manual, and tweaking.
If you tweak the layout before all the notes are in, you and LilyPond are going 
to be second-guessing each other for a long time.

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