
As it stands, LilyPond doesn't (yet) associate condensed, extended, 
medium, semi-bold, black, etc. variants with the normal italic, bold, 
and bold-italic variants in the font family. Thus, the condensed 
variants are used with the name "Vollkorn Condensed". If you want to 
use the medium or semi-bold variants, you'll need to reference them 
with their full names.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 8:18 AM, temp files [via Lilypond] 
<> wrote:
> I note that the full name for Vollkorn Condensed Regular is 
> (according to Font Book) “Vollkorn,”  which is the same as the 
> full name for Vollkorn Regular. How does the style sheet distinguish 
> between the two versions?
> Stan
> On Nov 20, 2014, at 8:24 AM, tisimst <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I'm afraid I don't entirely understand your question...
>> -Abraham
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 20, 2014, at 6:27 AM, Urs Liska [via Lilypond] <<a 
>> href="x-msg://8/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&amp;node=168842&amp;i=0" 
>> target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external">[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hey, Abraham, cool!
>>> I think it is definitely something to try out for an alternative 
>>> LilyPond style.
>>> Did you do that? If yes, how is the relation between automated 
>>> scaling and manual decisions?
>>> Best
>>> Urs
>>> Am 20.11.2014 14:19, schrieb tisimst:
>>>> Urs,
>>>> Not sure if this would be of any help to you, but here's a 
>>>> condensed variant of the full Vollkorn family.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Abraham
>>>> On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 9:19 AM, Urs Liska [via Lilypond] <<a 
>>>> moz-do-not-send="true" 
>>>> href="x-msg://8/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&amp;node=168839&amp;i=0" 
>>>> target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external">[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> Am 16.11.2014 01:10, schrieb Noeck:
>>>>> > Hi Urs, 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > you once asked for nice fonts which come in several »degrees 
>>>>> of 
>>>>> > boldness«. You chose Minion Pro, if I remember correctly. I 
>>>>> just found 
>>>>> > »Vollkorn« which comes in 8 type faces: 
>>>>> > I let you decide how you like it – I would say it is worth 
>>>>> looking at. 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > Cheers, 
>>>>> > Joram 
>>>>> >
>>>>> Hi Joram, 
>>>>> Vollkorn is a good font, and I can imagine it works well with 
>>>>> LilyPond 
>>>>> (due to its inherent weight). 
>>>>> But the main issue I am looking for is the combination of weights 
>>>>> and a 
>>>>> condensed variant. 
>>>>> Having a condensed font is a huge benefit when trying to fit more 
>>>>> music 
>>>>> with lyrics on the page (because with LilyPond's default font 
>>>>> lyrics 
>>>>> generally need more horizontal space than the corresponding 
>>>>> music. 
>>>>> Minion Pro is extremely good because it also provides a nicely 
>>>>> graded 
>>>>> set of weights *onto* the condensed width. With that you can 
>>>>> really 
>>>>> fine-tune the appearance of all the different items like lyrics, 
>>>>> barnumbers, textscripts etc. to form a consistent overall 
>>>>> appearance 
>>>>> with LilyPond's music. However, I'd still like to have a free 
>>>>> alternative to that one for better usability. 
>>>>> Recently I got a version of Linux Libertine that has been 
>>>>> "condensed" by 
>>>>> Abraham Lee, unfortunately I didn't have time to really test it 
>>>>> so far. 
>>>>> But this may actually be a good thing because I find Linux 
>>>>> Libertine to 
>>>>> be a very nice complement to LilyPond too. 
>>>>> Best 
>>>>> Urs 
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