Am 16.11.2014 01:10, schrieb Noeck:
Hi Urs,

you once asked for nice fonts which come in several »degrees of
boldness«. You chose Minion Pro, if I remember correctly. I just found
»Vollkorn« which comes in 8 type faces:
I let you decide how you like it – I would say it is worth looking at.


Hi Joram,

Vollkorn is a good font, and I can imagine it works well with LilyPond (due to its inherent weight). But the main issue I am looking for is the combination of weights and a condensed variant.

Having a condensed font is a huge benefit when trying to fit more music with lyrics on the page (because with LilyPond's default font lyrics generally need more horizontal space than the corresponding music. Minion Pro is extremely good because it also provides a nicely graded set of weights *onto* the condensed width. With that you can really fine-tune the appearance of all the different items like lyrics, barnumbers, textscripts etc. to form a consistent overall appearance with LilyPond's music. However, I'd still like to have a free alternative to that one for better usability.

Recently I got a version of Linux Libertine that has been "condensed" by Abraham Lee, unfortunately I didn't have time to really test it so far. But this may actually be a good thing because I find Linux Libertine to be a very nice complement to LilyPond too.


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