I figured out what was going on with the other OttavaBracket. It turns
out that if you change staff AND change the ottavation at the same
musical moment, then you must "\change Staff" FIRST for the
OttavaBracket to appear in the lower voice. So, here's the updated
(correct) code:
%<----------------- SNIP --------------------
\version "2.18.2"
right = \relative c'' {
\once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.stencil = ##f
\ottava #-1
\tuplet 6/4 { \change Staff = "left" c,,,16 ees g c \change Staff =
"right" ees g }
\ottava #0
\tuplet 6/4 { c ees g c ees g }
\tuplet 6/4 { c b bes a aes g }
\tuplet 6/4 { ges f e ees d des } |
\once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.stencil = ##f
\ottava #-1
\tuplet 6/4 { \change Staff = "left" c,,,16 ees g c \change Staff =
"right" ees g }
\ottava #0
\tuplet 6/4 { c ees g c ees g }
\tuplet 6/4 { c b bes a aes g }
\tuplet 6/4 { ges f e ees d des }
left = \relative c' {
\ottava #-1
\tuplet 6/4 { c,,, g' c ees g c }
\ottava #0
\tuplet 6/4 { ees g c \change Staff = "right" ees g c }
\tuplet 6/4 { ees d des c b bes }
\tuplet 6/4 { a aes g ges f e } |
\change Staff = "left"
\ottava #-1
\tuplet 6/4 { c,,, g' c ees g c }
\ottava #0
\tuplet 6/4 { ees g c \change Staff = "right" ees g c }
\tuplet 6/4 { ees d des c b bes }
\tuplet 6/4 { a aes g ges f e }
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "right" \new Voice \right
\new Staff = "left" { \clef bass \new Voice \left }
\layout {}
%<----------------- SNIP --------------------
P.S. Developers, should it make a difference what the order is for
\change Staff and \ottava? Procedurally, it makes sense to have \change
Staff come first, but I was just wondering if, theoretically at least,
the order should matter...
On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 12:39 AM, Ryan McClure [via Lilypond]
<ml-node+s1069038n168567...@n5.nabble.com> wrote:
> This has been my kind of day...I forgot to attach the files.
> Piano.ly
> Once again, thank you all for any help you may be able to give me.
> Ryan McClure
> Music Education Major, Shepherd University
> Luna Music Engraving
> www.lunamusicengraving.com
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