Here's what I've got for you (in bold). Firstly, using explicit voices
fixes the stem directions. The OttavaBracket's seem to be mis-behaving
(and not showing up at all in the second measure, left hand--probably a
bug), so you'll need some temporary overrides, but this should give you
exactly what is needed. BTW, the bracket for "8vb" should ALWAYS go
below the staff, not above, but that can be changed if absolutely
necessary. Oh, and you might as well use the \tuplet function (which
reverses the fraction, meaning "put 6 notes where you would normally
see 4"). Here's the working code:
%<----------------- SNIP --------------------
\version "2.18.2"
right = \relative c'' {
\once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.stencil = ##f
\ottava #-1
\tuplet 6/4 { \change Staff = "left" c,,,16 ees g c \change Staff =
"right" ees g }
\ottava #0
\tuplet 6/4 { c ees g c ees g }
\tuplet 6/4 { c b bes a aes g }
\tuplet 6/4 { ges f e ees d des } |
% for some reason, this is the only OttavaBracket that shows up
% (a bug?), so it needs to be moved WAY down below the lower voice
\once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.extra-offset = #'(0 . -17)
\ottava #-1
\tuplet 6/4 { \change Staff = "left" c,,,16 ees g c \change Staff =
"right" ees g }
\ottava #0
\tuplet 6/4 { c ees g c ees g }
\tuplet 6/4 { c b bes a aes g }
\tuplet 6/4 { ges f e ees d des }
left = \relative c' {
\ottava #-1
\tuplet 6/4 { c,,, g' c ees g c }
\ottava #0
\tuplet 6/4 { ees g c \change Staff = "right" ees g c }
\tuplet 6/4 { ees d des c b bes }
\tuplet 6/4 { a aes g ges f e } |
\ottava #-1
\change Staff = "left"
\tuplet 6/4 { c,,, g' c ees g c }
\ottava #0
\tuplet 6/4 { ees g c \change Staff = "right" ees g c }
\tuplet 6/4 { ees d des c b bes }
\tuplet 6/4 { a aes g ges f e }
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "right" \new Voice \right
\new Staff = "left" { \clef bass \new Voice \left }
\layout {}
%<----------------- SNIP --------------------
On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 12:39 AM, Ryan McClure [via Lilypond]
<ml-node+s1069038n168567...@n5.nabble.com> wrote:
> This has been my kind of day...I forgot to attach the files.
> Piano.ly
> Once again, thank you all for any help you may be able to give me.
> Ryan McClure
> Music Education Major, Shepherd University
> Luna Music Engraving
> www.lunamusicengraving.com
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> discussion below:
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