On Thu, 2014-09-25 at 06:47 -0700, Paul Morris wrote:
> Richard Shann-2 wrote
> > Thinking about this after receiving your email, I realize that
> > ultimately what I am trying to do is access the font-size that is being
> > used for the markup being generated. Perhaps this is a simpler question
> > - can a markup be constructed to change depending on the font-size it is
> > being invoked with?
> Hmmm... will something like this do what you need?

No, attached is the sort of effect needed. The root note names have
their accidentals superscripted and then the quality of the chord (such
as 6 sus4) are tucked in under any such accidental and finally any
inversion (such as the B-flat in the example) is made smaller and placed
underneath the root name with a separator made from a slash character.

> \version "2.18.2"
> music = { 
>   <c e g>4 
>   <d f a> 
>   <e g b> 
>   <f a c>  % output as "C6 sus4", why not just "F"?

In this example you have put the notes in an unconventional order here
inside the <>. It does not affect the meaning but since the c is below
the other two in pitch, this has root C with F and A above. Replace it
with c' to get the chord F.


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