I’m in the process of builidng my own custom drumset. No problems here with
notation, but I’m unable to define custom MIDI notes.

\version "2.19.13"

drumPitchNames = #'((bassdrum . bassdrum)

                    (bd . bassdrum)

                    (icebell . icebell)

                    (ice . icebell))

midiDrumPitches = #`((bassdrum . ,(ly:make-pitch -3 6 NATURAL))

                     (icebell . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 NATURAL)))

#(define drums '((bassdrum default #f -3)

                 (icebell diamond #f 7)))

\score {


    \new DrumStaff \with { drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table drums) } <<

      \new DrumVoice \drummode {

        bd4 bd bd ice




  \layout {}

  \midi {}


It seems that midiDrumPitches doesn’t get applied. Do I have to do that
manually? What else could be wrong?

Peter Crighton | Musician & Music Engraver based in Mainz, Germany
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