On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 9:06 PM, Shane Brandes <sh...@grayskies.net>
I fiddled around with making one a while back but thought the system
was to oddball to be handily useful at the time and that was several
releases ago. I may work on one when the snows come again, probably
for an earlier printing era.
If you'd like to send me something you've done, I can help get the font
working for you. It's kind of a complicated process, as you so
mentioned, but I've been able to streamline the font creation process
so it's not much effort for me as long as I have a normal font file to
work with. I can put the glyphs in the right places as long as they are
the scaled to be the correct size (250 em-unit staff space, 0=lowest
staff line, 1000=highest staff line). Let me know if I can help at all.
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