tisimst wrote
> Thanks, Peter! I realized shortly after posting this that there are a
> bunch of other things that I forgot to update a bunch of other things, so
> I'm taking the page off for a day or so until I've had a chance to go
> through everything. Sorry! Stay tuned!

Ok, I think I've got all the bugs worked out and everything corrected.
Thanks for everyone's patience while I put this together. It's a simple
website, but hopefully helpful. Enjoy the new music fonts! The site is now
live at  fonts.openlilylib.org <http://fonts.openlilylib.org/>  .

Again, if you find a broken link, or whatever, please let me know so that I
can correct it promptly! Thanks, in advance for your help and support!

.:| Leigh Verlag |:.

P.S. Just curious, but is there anyone else that has made a music font for
LilyPond except me and Simon Tatham?

P.P.S. Since there are those that follow this list that use another notation
program (in addition to LilyPond), I'd like to offer my services to make the
published fonts available for whatever programs you are using. Just contact
me for information. Thanks!

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