Noeck wrote
> Hi Urs,
> it seems like I missed something. How did you create those scores? Using
> Abrahams proposed tools? Are they public? Or did you do that with your
> own magic?
> I would also be interested to test these features.
> I have clear preferences when I look at the fonts you compared here. It
> is also interesting how tiny differences in some glyphs affect the
> overall impression.
> What is the Cadence font?
> Cheers,
> Joram


I can answer for Urs. I started another topic to the Dev list a few months
ago asking for some help with  customizing the default music font
. Towards the end of that series of messages, I passed some of my files to
Urs because he wanted to test them out for himself. That's how the Haydn
score with the different fonts came to be. 

The Cadence font was the first result of that effort. I felt like some
features were not quite right with Emmentaler, so I made some adjustments in
FontForge, did a bunch of research to figure out everything that goes into a
compatible font, then got that working. I then had a hayday with getting
other music fonts to work (LilyJAZZ, Profondo, etc.). At that point, I
realized that there is no way that a single music font will please
EVERYBODY, so making more available would be a good thing! As a result of
this whole process, developing a font creation/build process, making custom
fonts doesn't take me that much effort (i.e., if someone wants to compile
the glyphs they like using FontForge and send them to me, I'd happily create
a LilyPond compatible font for them :)

I'm not sure if all the hyperlinks to files still work in the above thread
(sorry, you'll have to go through quite a few messages to find them), but
anyone is welcome to try them out! On the other hand, some of the fonts have
matured a bit since then (like making SVG versions, adding glyphs, adjusting
positions, etc.), so it may be preferable to wait for the time being until
we get a solid set of files to distribute just to make sure the frustration
is kept to a minimum and the enjoyment is maximized!


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