tisimst wrote
> Greetings, All!
> I have worked out a very nice way to switch between notation fonts in
> LilyPond, both on a global document level and a local usage level. Up
> until now, there were only a couple of music fonts available that were
> really usable on a professional level: 
> Emmentaler
>  (the default, built-in font) and 
> Gonville
> . There are also 
> LilyJAZZ
>  and 
> Bravura
>  (a SMuFL-compliant font), but they require some serious hacks to make
> them work and they have trouble with even some basic notation elements
> (like tempo markings, arpeggios, etc.).
> I am pleased to announce that I have several new music fonts, both in OTF
> and SVG formats, that I'd like people to be able to use, but this requires
> a patch to a single file, so anyone wanting to patch the file can do it
> with little effort. It makes using other fonts as easy as putting a single
> "\include" statement at the top of a .ly file. I use them all the time,
> but I really want to share with the community that has shared so much with
> me.
> My question is this: 
> Is anyone interested in this?
> I know that the notation font is a small part of the way a score looks,
> but I think we can all recall a time when a score just didn't look that
> good and it was because of the notation elements, not just the score
> layout.
> And, just so you know, I have LilyJAZZ (including all the latest and
> greatest efforts for chords and a bunch of missing articulations,
> characters, etc.) and Bravura (my version is called 
> Profondo
> , for OFL licensing reasons) working perfectly as alternate music fonts.
> In addition, these all provide access to all the ancient notation glyphs
> as well, so nothing is lost (except for Gonville, which I haven't taken
> the time to update at all).
> I eagerly await your responses!
> Happily Engraving,
> Abraham

I'm certainly interested in hearing more about this!

composer | sound designer 
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