On Tuesday, May 20, 2014, Jeff Holland <jeff...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Monday, May 19, 2014 6:50:31 PM UTC+2, Davide Liessi wrote:
>> The main problems are:
>> - PortMIDI is not included in the bundle, and even if it is included
>> (with the appropriate option of py2app) Frescobaldi cannot see the
>> MIDI ports provided by SimpleSynth or FluidSynth;
> What about bundling, say, FluidSynth and the soundfont from MuseScore so
> that MIDI playback would work "out of the box" as it does in the Windows
> version of Frescobaldi?

Or just communicating with the QuickTime synthesizer directly?

> For that matter, I also think the latest stable version of LilyPond itself
> should be included. For the majority of potential Frescobaldi users,
> getting comfortable with LilyPond is the biggest barrier to entry. It would
> be better if there were not additional barriers on top of that.

That may not be a bad idea.  But then how would you handle Lilypond

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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