I just noticed that using \clef "bass_8" will print a small "8" under the clef. 
Not nice.
How to get rid of it?

Il Lunedì 12 Maggio 2014 12:51, Carlo Vanoni <vanoniiscrizi...@yahoo.it> ha 
Uh, "bass_8"... that's a news.
I still use the relative to prevent some ' and , from the code. Since I also 
have (in the real code) also fingering and sting numbers, it will become a real 
mess otherwise.
Here is the now working code:

\version "2.18.0"

verse = 
\relative c,,
    a'4 b c a | a b c a | \break

chorus =
\relative c,,
    a'4 b c d | d e f g | \break

song = 
    \repeat volta 2
    \bar "|."

bass =  {
    \new Staff \with {
        \clef "bass_8"
        \omit Voice.StringNumber
    \new TabStaff \with {
        \clef moderntab
        stringTunings = #bass-tuning
    \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bass" 

\score {    

Since to avoid all ' and , I have to still declare "\relative c" in the two 
sections to use traspose, I preferred to use the "\relative c,," and remove the 
score transpose.

Thanks guys!

Il Lunedì 12 Maggio 2014 11:56, Pierre Perol-Schneider 
<pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
2014-05-12 11:42 GMT+02:00 Carlo Vanoni <vanoniiscrizi...@yahoo.it>:


As said, this set all verse/note to the correct pitch, but the tabs pitch will 
be wrong (the \relative definition in the TabScore section will be ignored).

Hi Carlo,

If you want to have the right pitch you have to put the right clef in the staff 
(\clef "bass_8").

Now if that causes you problem, why are you coding in a relative mode ?

You can do something like :

\version "2.18.0"

verse = {
   a4 b c' a | a b c' a | \break
chorus = {
   a4 b c' d' | d' e' f' g' | \break
song = {
    \repeat volta 2 { \verse }
    \bar "|."

bass = \transpose c c,, {
     \new Staff 
        \with {
            \clef "bass_8"
            \omit Voice.StringNumber
  \new TabStaff 
    \with {
              \clef moderntab
              stringTunings = #bass-tuning
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bass"
  \score { 

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