Hi everyone,

I'm transcribing a song that is, as usual, versex2-chorus-verse-chorus. Instead 
of copying all the notes of the verse/chorus section, I've created the 
verse-chorus sections so than I can just add \verse \chorus in the main score 
to print it.
I need to display both the score and the tabs. I noticed that I have to set 
different relative pitches for the two notations, otherwise there is an octave 
difference in the two (maybe I'm messing up something... Check the example), so 
I need to state the relative pitch in the \new Staff - \new TabStaff sections.
The problem is that, since I state the relative pitch there, I can't set the 
pitch of the song sections, so I don't know how to let the first note of the 
section to start always at a given pitch.

Enough talking.
Here is a simple example:
\version "2.18.0"

verse = 
    a'4 b c a | a b c a | \break

chorus =
    a'4 b c d | d e f g | \break

song = 
    \repeat volta 2
    \bar "|."

bass = {
    \new Staff \with {
        \clef bass
        \omit Voice.StringNumber
        \relative c, 
    \new TabStaff \with {
        \clef moderntab
        stringTunings = #bass-tuning
        \relative c,,   % tabs relative to a lower octave! 
    \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bass" 

\score {    

What I want is that each section starts from the same note (a' relative to c,). 
What happens is that each section will be relative to the previous section last 
note, so everything start to jump up an octave.
This can probably be corrected setting the relative in the section itself 
(verse/chorus). But then the Score and TabScore will display different octaves.

What am I missing?

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