"Br. Samuel Springuel" <rpspring...@gmail.com> writes:

    I just downloaded the lilypond 2.19.4 windows binary and I'm not
    seeing any change in the behavior of lilypond-book.

I don't know if this is worth anything, but I have not been
having lilypond-book hang with 2.19.3, but due to a
different problem, I tried changing to 2.19.4, and now the
same files and command line result in what appears to be a
hung python.  At any rate, it sits for longer than my meager
patience can withstand.  This is on Windows 7 Professional,
service pack 1, and it is the Python version 2.5.4 that came
with Lilypond.

I am probably not clever enough to provide further useful
information without prompting, but would be quite happy to
be prompted.

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