David, you wrote Monday, April 07, 2014 11:20 AM

> "Trevor Daniels" <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> writes:
>> David, you wrote Monday, April 07, 2014 10:22 AM
>>> Try with the just released LilyPond 2.19.4.  If that's more successful,
>>> we'll port the fix to 2.18.
>> Just to confirm, lilypond-book in 2.19.4 works "fine" here. I.e. no change
>> in the parts I use from 2.19.3 AFAICS.
> "No change" would be not what we were aiming for with regard to LaTeX
> output.

Indeed, but that's for someone else to check - I don't use LaTeX.  I was
merely confirming the change did not break anything for me.

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