OK, that makes sense. I am actually recreating a page of music that was damaged 
but I have enough of it to piece together and create a replacement page and I 
was trying to copy it as I received it.

I understand now what you are saying about the multiple parts. I am new at this 
but this does make sense. Thanks Phil for your help and insight.


>> Phil,
>> Thanks for your response. That did solve most of the problem but now I am
>> getting an accidental on the “c” even though I have the accidental engraving
>> turned off. However, I do not get the accidental with just the single part. I
>> have revised my markup to demonstrate and have it listed here:
> I've shown you the short-cut way to create multiple voices in LilyPond. 
> Please read 
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/multiple-voices for more 
> details.  The reason the accidental was engraved is that \override 
> Voice.Accidental.stencil removes the stencil in the current voice.  When you 
> write { ... } \\ { ... } new temporary voices are created, and the stencil 
> needs to be removed in each { ... } temporary voice as well.
>> What I don’t understand is why \partcombine does not work? Am reading and 
>> trying to get a handle on this.
>> Stephen
> Please read the partcombine section of the NR: it's quite clear that this is 
> designed to combine instrumental parts into a single part wherever possible: 
> it therefore, I believe, does not put 2 rests where one would do.  From 
> looking at your music, it appeared to me you needed polyphony, not part 
> combining.
> --
> Phil Holmes 

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