Hi everyone,

I have been trying to get this to work but with no success. Here is a synopsis 
of what is happening:

1.      I have 2 voices that I am combining on one staff.
2.      There are differing rests for each voice.
3.      Depending on which voice I list first in partcombine will be the voice 
which displays the rest, if that makes sense.
4.      I tried specifying the rest position for each thinking that perhaps it 
was a collision problem.
5.      By only displaying one voice, the rests show correctly.

>From what I can gather the default behavior should be to display the rest but 
>it doesn’t for. I would appreciate any advice. Here is the markup:

\version "2.18.2-1"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.
\language "english"

upperA = \relative c' {
        \key e \major % -- Change Key as needed.
        \time 4/4
        \override Voice.Accidental.stencil = ##f
        \override Voice.AccidentalCautionary.stencil = ##f
        \stemUp e2 d'2\rest |

upperB = \relative c' {
        \override Voice.Accidental.stencil = ##f
        \override Voice.AccidentalCautionary.stencil = ##f
        \stemDown <a c>2 g4\rest \stemDown <a c>4 |

\score {
                \new PianoStaff <<
                        \new Staff \with { printPartCombineTexts = ##f } {
                                \partcombine \upperA \upperB

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