On 19/03/14 18:13, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>> there is no setting that says "force everything onto one page, beauty be 
>> damned"
> Does
> \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-permission = ##f
> not work for you?
> Cheers, Kieren.

mmmmm .... not met that.

My first reaction though, is why would what appears to be a line-break
setting affect the number of pages?

And I don't tend to dig deep into all the "esoteric" settings - there
are so many of them that I don't understand, that I tend to shy away
from them. I shouldn't, but I'd rather just use standard bells and
whistles - when I need to use all sorts of fancy over-ride tricks to
achieve effects that I see in pretty much *all* the printed music I
play, it puts me off.

That said, I'll play with this and see what it does - I've got a piece
I've been working on that I had to muck about with and force.

Oh - and sorry Phil, "page-count = 1" didn't work. Although iirc I put
it in \layout{} not \paper{}. Unless that was the wrong place to put it?
That's another place for confusion - I get the impression that some
settings work fine in either, others only seem to work in the layout
section, maybe others only work in the paper section?


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