So, again, it boils down to whatever works. There's no standard to this, and 
frankly, I've never experienced that as a problem. Jazz music is improvised 
music, and I don't know a jazz musician who has problems "improvising" here as 
well. Everyone has different preferences, sure, but problems reading different 
styles - not at all. 
My own preference for C-Δ7 over, say, Cmmaj7 is simply a question of space: the 
latter takes up WAY too much of it (in particular as this chord often appears 
as a transition between C- and C-7 and uses only half a bar). 

But there's another thing that surprises me in this discussion: I always 
thought that Lilypond is mainly being used and intended for "classical" (exact) 
Now I have the impression that indeed many use it for jazz sheets as we'll - I, 
myself, use LP only for that, but can't move from version 2.16 to 17 or 18, 
because the possibility to have Staffs accept chord names has been removed.
That is, however a common notation practice in jazz music. Is there an obvious 
replacement for this that I haven't seen yet ... or is no one but me using that 
notation style in LP?

Best, Robert 

Von meinem Fliewatüüt gesendet.

> On 17 Mar 2014, at 10:12, Marc Hohl <> wrote:
> Am 17.03.2014 01:45, schrieb Jim Long:
>>> I understand the Cmi7, too, but when sketching
>>> some chords on paper during a Jazz session, a simple "-" is
>>> way faster to write than "mi" all the way.
>>> So it's rather a matter of personal taste IMHO.
>>> Just my 2 cents
>>> Marc
>> With great respect, I beg to add,
>> Beware of "shortcuts" which are for the benefit of the writer.
>> IMO, engraving decisions should be made for the benefit of the
>> reader.
> Yep, that's true. I was unclear in my answer above: the first
> "Real Book" was a collection of songs written by Steve Swallow.
> He used the "-" sign for the whole book AFAIK.
> After his collection got copied over and over again, most
> musicians got accustomed to this style. So I think it's a matter
> of habit.
> Speaking for myself, I'd prefer a C-7 over a Cmi7, and a C-Δ
> over Cmmaj7. But I can play both ;-)
> Marc
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