Urs Liska wrote
> Am 20.03.2014 00:18, schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
>> Hi Urs,
>>>> Time for a Lilypond Publishing House...
>>> I'd say rather push LilyPond into the existing publishing houses.
>> Why not both?
> Nothing against it. But actually there _are_ already a number of 
> "LilyPond Publishing Houses" - all of them of neglectable market impact.
>>> And I think changes have never been better for that than now.
>> True.
>> In my opinion, here — in order of importance — are the things we need to
>> make established houses sit up and take notice:
>> 1. Flawless MusicXML import and export.
>> 2. Better “pixel-level” control of objects.
>> 3. A finely-tuned stylesheet system.
>> 4. Excellent, “turnkey" edition control features.
>> 5. Several examples of fairly complex engravings, presented with “best
>> practice” coding.
>> #4 is nearly in place, thanks to Jan-Peter.
> Indeed. I hope it will be possible to make that generally usable (be it 
> through inclusion in LilyPond itself or a easily usable place in one of 
> the libraries.
> Having this would be a valuable additional selling point.
>> #3 would take, in my estimation, about 10 person-hours to prepare an
>> exemplar set of stylesheets (I’d be happy to do this myself), and 5-10
>> hours to create an appropriate stylesheet-loading function.
> I'm not so sure if this would really matter that much in terms of 
> "market penetration".
> Which isn't to say that I'd find that highly desirable myself.
>> #5 could be put together in “no time”.
> At the messe I had a compilation of samples (explicitly including 
> non-publication quality "default" engravings) with me (including your 
> Beethoven BTW), and this proved very useful.
>> #2 would require some fundamental changes to Lilypond — likely this is
>> the largest hurdle.
> Apart from pixel-level it will be a tremenduous step if we manage to get 
> a certain kind of graphical approach to that, as is currently being 
> worked on in Frescobaldi.
> Graphically editing things while retaining strict control over the 
> source code will be a killer feature.
> So I'd add that as a separate item to your list.
>> #1 is the next largest hurdle.
> Yes, and a crucial one. But I think current development is very 
> promising. For the first time someone is actually working on it. 
> Although it is only a first step this is really a solid foundation. 
> (Although only visible when using Frescobaldi from its Git repository.
>> Thoughts?
> One thing that isn't in your list - and which already is there - is 
> everything around the power of version controlled workflows. This 
> provides solutions to actual problems people have. At least this was my 
> experience in Frankfurt. Everybody seems to know about the hassles one 
> has with concurrent revisions of files when having to pass documents 
> around. Meticulous project documentation, encapsulation in branches etc. 
> were keywords editors could grasp immediately.
> Question is how they will react when they see actual LilyPond code. I'm 
> looking forward to that (there are two publishers I'll visit for closer 
> demonstrations, with two more I have hopes to get to that point too).
> Urs
>> Kieren.
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Are there any style sheets floating around that people can take a look at?
The sheet Urs & co. used looked great to my eyes, on that collection.

Maybe that could help users and also inspire them to create their own sorts
of "house styles". Just a thought...

composer | sound designer 
LilyPond Tutorials (for beginners) --> http://bit.ly/bcl-lilypond
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