Time for a Lilypond Publishing House...

2014-03-19 7:27 GMT-05:00, Klaus Föhl <klaus.fo...@uni-giessen.de>:
> Hello,
> This year a short visit to the Musikmesse only.
> Learning about the "BEST EDITION 2014" award only after the event
> (and would have had to miss that one anyway).
> Congratulations nevertheless to Urs and Janek and all else involved.
> Missing out on the MusicXML meeting as well,
> but I noted it was taking place.
> As I am in the process of digging out some choir music, published about
> two centuries ago and hence not readily available at your music seller,
> I had been encouraged to approach some music sheet companies whether
> they might be interested. Here we go (translation):
> - Have you typeset in Finale or Sibelius?
> - No, in Lilypond actually
> - Oh, we can't use it, it is too computer-heavy [computerlastig],
> we need to be able to push the note heads around.
> Well, they might have a point when thinking ink on paper. But (BUT)
> tablets on music stands were ubiquitous at Musikmesse, possibly with
> food pedals for page turning, and that is calling big time for systems
> that allow variable display sizes and hence music reflow.
> At Klemm music, new music scan software SmartScore. No time to test it,
> but for choir music full version required. Seems to be a full typesetting
> program as well. Data exchange with Finale easily done, using MusicXML
> which the guy says is the well established standard interchange format.
> Did not spot a stand for Sibelius. I looked but did not hunt for it.
> On the sheet music side the usual suspects, the big houses, some stands
> representing music from eastern European countries, but smaller houses
> that were present one or two years ago no longer present.
> Regards
> Klaus
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