2014-02-24 3:58 GMT+01:00 Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com>:

> Federico Bruni wrote:
> > It's hard to understand exactly your situation without looking an
> example.
> > Anyway, what I meant is in the minimal example attached.
> Thanks for that.  It's a nice illustration of how \bookpart works.  I need
> to look into \table-of-contents which looks very useful.
> I've attached a similar example to show how things are currently set up
> with what I'm working with.  Basically each tune (\score) is in its own
> file and 2-3 of them should fit on each page.
> If I used \bookpart like in your example, I would have one \bookpart per
> page and one file per \bookpart (page), rather than one file per tune
> (\score).  And then I'd lose the flexibility of having a separate file for
> each tune that can stand on its own or be easily re-combined with other
> tunes in different groupings.
Ok, so you don't want to change this setup.
Another workaround to avoid the last system in the last page is using
page-count in the \paper block of the collection.ly file.

Or better: why not using ragged-last-bottom=##f ? This problem is only in
the last page, isn't it?

\version "2.18.0"


\layout {
  %\override NonMusicalPaperColumn.page-break-permission = ##f
\paper {
  top-margin = 10 \mm
  bottom-margin = 6 \mm

  % two options:
  ragged-last-bottom = ##f
  %page-count = #3 % to keep the last system of tune three in the third page

% 1
\include "Tune1.ly"
\include "Tune2.ly"
\include "Tune3.ly"

% 2 (except with different tunes)
\include "Tune1.ly"
\include "Tune2.ly"
\include "Tune3.ly"

> The ragged-bottom = ##t line in Collection.ly prevents the three tunes
> from fitting on a page, and causes what should be "forced" manual page
> breaks to be ignored, and automatic page breaks to be used instead (even
> though page-break-permission is set to ##f).  If you comment out
> ragged-bottom = ##t you can see that the 3 tunes can and do fit on the page.
> Thinking out loud... what if there were a way to allow LilyPond to
> compress things vertically (say to fit the manual page breaks), but also
> disallow stretching to fill the page if there is more than enough room?
>  Basically, what if ragged-bottom were two separate commands? Something
> like "allow-vertical-compression" and "allow-vertical-stretching" (or
> "disable-vertical-compression" and "disable-vertical-stretching")?
This is handled by the options in the \paper block (see flexible vertical
spacing in the variables).
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