I so hate emailing the list for something that must surely have come up before, but after several hours of Googling and reading through documentation and snippets, etc. I have not discovered how to do easily what I want to do.

What I want is a title page with title, composer, lyrics, and copyright.

I have those with known syntax:

    \markup {
      \column {
        \vspace #10
\fill-line { \line { \fontsize #7 \bold \sans \smallCaps {Title} } }
        \vspace #3

        \fill-line { \line { \fontsize #6 \italic {Compose} } }
        \vspace #3

        \fontsize #3 {
                  \line {  Text}
                  \line {  Text}
                  \line {  Text}
                  \line {  Text}

                  \vspace #2

                  \line {  Text}
                  \line {  Text}
        \vspace #20

        \fill-line { \line { \fontsize #4 © 2014 } }

That absolutely gives me the four sections I want, with one caveat -- the text block is left-aligned along the left margin. All I want to do is move it about 20 horizontal spaces; I want to indent it, in other words.

I have found no method to do this on either the block as a whole or on each individual line.

\halign #-2.5 on the whole block inside {} will shift the first \line "Peace is my last gift to you." exactly as expected, yet each subsequent \line is at a different "indent." Using \halign #-2.5 on each individual \line produces the exact same output.

\hspace #x with any value for x on block {} or \line produces no result whatever.

What I've had to do is create a three-column layout, put /null in the two outside columns, to leave the text in the center column, which does work.

But, really? All that to simply shift \line {} over 15-20 spaces from the left margin? It is almost surely the case that my lack of understanding of context, etc. has left me unable to comprehend the documentation or figure this out with an elegant solution.

Is there an elegant solution to shift a block {} or \line of text a specified horizontal distance from the left margin?


Guy Stalnaker

lilypond-user mailing list

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