
2014-02-15 18:54 GMT+01:00 Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>:
> I’ve know someone at Carnegie-Mellon University who is well-connected in the 
> computer and music departments (he is both a composer and a programmer). I 
> approached him recently with the idea of getting involved with Lilypond.
> He said:
>> One possibility is that sometimes there are software engineering projects 
>> looking for tasks, so I might be able to point a class project at Lilypond 
>> in the future.
>> I'm curious if there's a short summary of the direction for large-scale work 
>> on Lilypond.
> Is there something we can forward to him, so that he can take it to his 
> department and/or colleagues for consideration? If we could convince a major 
> university to take on [some or all of the] programming — for single projects 
> or the whole enchilada — I think it would be a big boost to the ‘Pond.

That would be extremely cool!
As for the list of long-term projects, i don't think we have any
(which is very bad for the project imo).  I would be happy to write
something down if there is at least one other developer interested in
reviewing and expanding it.

2014-02-15 18:46 GMT+01:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> st...@linuxsuite.org writes:
>>   I will select examples of ties and slurs from Goldberg on 2.18.0 and put
>> together a minimalist
>> exposition for discussion.
>>        So, I guess the final solution is to do some programming work.
>> Hmm... what if we paid someone to do the work?  Can we raise money
>> through kickstarter for this kind of project?
> It definitely depends on who "we" is.  It also depends on who "someone"
> is.
> [...]
> On the other side of the equation, you need someone to do the work, and
> the LilyPond code base is humongous and complex.  If you don't want to
> spend 3/4 of the money (if you are lucky) for getting someone acquainted
> with the code, you'll probably need to look for people with previous
> experience.  _And_ available time.

Hiring a "regular developer" (someone not particularly interested in
Free Software and LilyPond) would probably cost us something like
$10000 (although my knowledge of the market prices shouldn't be
trusted).  That's way too much.
However, someone already interested in LilyPond/music engraving/Free
Software (or a talented CS student wanting to get experience in a
real-world project) could probably do this for a fraction of a cost.

Two people come to my mind: Mike (Solomon), and my cousin Franek who
recently told me that he might be interested in working on ties after
he finishes another project (which should happen in April).  I don't
think Franek or Mike would want $10000 for this job ;-) (Franek is
already a bit familiar with ties, as we researched them together
during this summer).

If all goes well (i.e. i earn as much money as i hope), i'll be
willing to put $100-$200 into this.


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