> hello,

< snip>

> Unfortunately, i have very little time for lilypond now, so i cannot
> do much more.  If you'd like to start seriously working on this issue,
> i'd be happy to provide some guidance, feedback and testing.  I
> estimate that anyone who wants to really fix this would have to spend
> 20-30 hours on researching tie shapes (i.e. reading my research),
> 10-20 hours to get an idea how lilypond thinks about ties now, 40-80
> hours on writing new algorithms and then 20-60 hours on testing and
> fixing corner cases.  With that amount of effort, it should be
> possible to create an almost-perfect tie formatting algorithms (i
> mean, an algorithm that formats 99.9% ties correctly, as opposed to
> 50% success rate now).
> I'm sorry if this sounds discouraging, but that's how it is.

  I will select examples of ties and slurs from Goldberg on 2.18.0 and put
together a minimalist
exposition for discussion.

       So, I guess the final solution is to do some programming work.
Hmm... what
if we paid someone to do the work?  Can we raise money through kickstarter
for this kind of project?  The opengoldberg project did this



    they raised money to engrave BWV-988 on Musescore.

    What if we set a similar goal for lilypond ties / slurs..  and made an
of the Goldberg Variations for Guitar Ensemble?

         We may even get a recording out of it?


> best,
> Janek

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