Hi List,

 I'm taking the plunge to write a pretty big orchestra piece with
lilypond (contemporary music) and am wondering how to organize the
parts: There will be sections in the piece where e.g. the first
violins are split (maybe sometimes only for a couple of bars and up to
14 different parts). In the score, the unisono parts should get
notated only on one staff. For staff systems containing bars with
divisi strings, each instrument should get its own staff (replicating
existing unisono bars on all staffs). In the individual parts I'd like
to have parts with each instrument having only his/her part in it.

Can someone give an advice how to handle this elegantly avoiding to
fork source files for the note material of score and parts?

As I say, the piece is long (about 45') and for big orchestra (ca. 90
musicians) and heavy electronics, so I really have to plan carefully
to avoid a desaster preparing the material. Despite all sorts of unix
tools like make, git and such this is quite an endeavour for me so any
advice from experienced lilyponders is appreciated!


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