I have been unsuccessful in ending the dashed slur for divisi lyrics.

This is the melody for "Silent Night".
The English translation of the third stanza is ametrical and so the
dashes slur is needed,
but this is followed by two melismatic phrases at the end that need solid slurs.


David Olson

        f8.( g16) f8 d4. \bar "||"
        f8.( g16) f8 d4. \bar "||"
        c'4 c8 a4. bes4 bes8 f4. \bar "||"
        g4 g8 bes( a) g f8. g16 f8 d4. \bar "||"
        g4 g8
\set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
                bes8.( a16) g8 f8.( g16) f8 d4. \bar "||"
\unset melismaBusyProperties

        c'4 c8 ees8. c16 a8 bes4.( d) \bar "||"
        bes8( f) d f8. ees16 c8 bes4. ~ bes \bar "||"

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