Paul Morris wrote
> Philip Rhoades wrote
>> It occurred to me that the next step would be to generate something that
>> is a little more melodic or musical 
> One simple thing you can do is to only work with the notes from one key at
> a time.  And I think this makes sense in terms of learning as well as
> sounding more musical.  (Unless you aspire to play only atonal music...)  
> The following modifies David's snippet so it only selects notes from the
> key of C major (and extends the range to two octaves), then you can use
> \transpose to change to a different key when you are ready to move on to
> another key. 
> \version "2.18.0"
> randomNotes =
> {
>   $@(let ((notes (ly:music-property #{ <e f g a b c' d' e' f' g' a' b'
> c' d'> #}
>                                     'elements)))
>       (map (lambda (x) (list-ref notes (random (length notes)))) (iota
> 400)))
> }
> \new Voice {
>   \transpose c c {
>     \randomNotes
>   }
> }
> FWIW, I think using something like this to practice guitar (especially at
> a beginner level) would be more effective if you didn't play it straight
> through, but repeated each measure several times (maybe 8?) before moving
> on to the next one.  That repetition will be more helpful for learning
> than constantly giving your fingers/mind something new to figure out.  As
> you progress you can reduce the number of repetitions until you're playing
> it straight through.
> Cheers,
> -Paul

Paul, that is a great little bit of code! Thank you for sharing that...I'm
going to play around with it later today. :)

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