Hi Keith,

   \combineAt (measure moment/fraction) \base-music \new-music

be a more intuitive — and ultimately useful — syntax? You could also have a

   \insertAt (measure moment/fraction) \base-music \new-music

which would insert something (instead of simultaneous-ing it).

The big downside, of course, would be that if the number of measures before 
that point changed, you’d have to update all of those references; using \tag 
would avoid that problem.

The big downside with \tag is that you need to fill up the content with \tag 
locations for every possible addition/insertion; this ultimately eliminates the 
possibility of real content-presentation separation, which \addAt would allow.

Of course, having both would be great — but for my money, the ability to \addAt 
something post-hoc (i.e., without “a priori” \tag-ging) is the power tool.

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