Hi Keith,

> The \pushToTag function does not insert skips of the correct length.
> It inserts existing pieces of music into other music without adjusting
> lengths, nor computing any lengths.


> It would be helpful for LilyPond to compute rest-lengths for us.

That *would* be great!

> I am playing around with the idea of eventually making R1\until#'coda  
> repeat itself until LilyPond sees 'coda somewhere in the score.
> Here is a toy version, using the existing input R1\tag#'coda
> It requires "\alignTo \global {..}" where \global contains a
> sequence with the tags at the desired times.

This is a really nice starting point!

1. Can this be “prefix” rather than “postfix”? e.g., 

  \tag #’verse R1 ...

instead of

  R1 \tag #’verse ...


2. Could we use \alignTo instead of overloading \tag? e.g.

  \alignTo #’verse R1 ...

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