Federico, thanks for writing this. There is a mixture of hope and despair
in the responses, as well as an understanding of the complexities in an
all-volunteer site.

The content in Mutopia is substantial enough to be a great resource and
managing this content via volunteers will always be a challenge. There have
been a number of updates in the past year -- utf-encoding conversions,
project status updates, data consistency repairs -- and these have been
good starting points. Much of that effort took place without engaging
mutopia-discuss and that was probably a mistake.

As long as the content is good (correct, aesthetically pleasing, readable,
and using a reasonably current version of LilyPond) I believe the site
holds value. It is not as good as it could be.

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com> wrote:


> 3. Requisites for the lilypond files
> Some people are discouraged by the criteria to get the files accepted. For
> example, they may create the score with Denemo and then export the lilypond
> file, but they cannot check the quality of the file.
> I'd suggest them to try to submit their file to the mutopia-discuss list
> and see if someone can clean the input. Personally, I'd be glad to
> contribute this way.

As long as the Denemo-based transcriber understands that they may not be
able to "round-trip" their submission.

> 4. Web interface
> Currently the contributions are handled via github or by email.
> Github is a good way but it's for geeks only. There are currently only
> seven contributors:
> https://github.com/chrissawer/The-Mutopia-Project/graphs/contributors
> The email may be a good alternative, but who is receiving 
> contributions@emails? Just Chris? I have no idea if people send contributions 
> this way.
> A modern web interface may attract more contributions?

Probably, but I've come to believe that updating the content is more

-glen (just an active Mutopia-Project volunteer)
lilypond-user mailing list

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