2013/12/31 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>

> >> Configure EDITOR to use emacsclient rather than emacs, and run M-x
> >> server-start RET (or do it from .emacs) in the Emacs that is supposed to
> >> catch the point-and-click.
> >
> > Mmmh,  too complicate, I'll set gvim.
> Huh?  It's not complicated at all.  It's one
> (server-start)
> in your .emacs file, and one
> export EDITOR=emacsclient
> in your .bashrc file.
I should have said that it's easy, but it doesn't work for me.
These are my settings:

$ echo $EDITOR
$ cat .emacs | grep server

But every time I click on a note on Evince, a new window of Emacs pops up.

> > However, it seems to me that the configuration in .bashrc only works for
> > URIs opened using gnome-open.
> > When I click on Evince, .bashrc is totally ignored
> .profile should usually load .bashrc as well and be run on login.

Yes, .bashrc is updated, I can verify it in the terminal.
Evince simply keep opening emacs, even if $EDITOR is set to gvim (or
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