2013/12/31 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>

> > The command:
> > gnome-open textedit:///etc/issue:1:0:0
> >
> > opens Frescobaldi, but:
> >
> > 1. the cursor stays on top of the file, regardless of the  values I put
> > 2. when I close Frescobaldi window, a new Frescobaldi window pops up.
> I think that Frescobaldi is supposed to do its own point-and-click deal,
> but you may need to start the previewer from Frescobaldi for that.
Yes, it's non-sense pointing evince to Frescobaldi.
I'd like to set gvim or emacs as alternatives.

> If I comment out the EDITOR variable in .bashrc, gnome-open launches emacs
> > and:
> >
> > 1.  the cursor is correctly located in the position specified
> > 2. two windows of emacs are opened at the same time (this happens also
> when
> > I click on Evince)
> Configure EDITOR to use emacsclient rather than emacs, and run M-x
> server-start RET (or do it from .emacs) in the Emacs that is supposed to
> catch the point-and-click.

Mmmh,  too complicate, I'll set gvim.
However, it seems to me that the configuration in .bashrc only works for
URIs opened using gnome-open.
When I click on Evince, .bashrc is totally ignored
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