On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 9:00 AM, James Harkins <jamshar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A side comment, picking up on a comment in the "Windows experience" thread:
> I hope the new site will avoid any hooks to Google analytics or other APIs.
> I'm behind the Great Firewall of China, and I see frequently how Google
> dependencies cause page loading times to balloon, while the browser waits
> for
> blocked connections to time out.
> This is one of the rare times when I can complain about that problem
> *before*
> the problem gets built into yet another website :-)
> hjh

This is one of a number of targets of what I would like to eventually work
through, particularly:

1) No external server dependencies. This includes jQuery, external
analytics, web font services, or any such things. Each of these are
additional calls that make things take longer. I've mentioned on the
previous thread that if the server has the capability, I would, at some
point, like to look into an internal analytics system.

2) No extraneous file loads. While there will be a separate CSS file (as
there is now), I want to eventually eliminate any image file that does not
contribute to content. The first victim of this will be the gradient images
used for the header and navigation backgrounds. CSS gradients can be coded
for fewer bytes and one less server request, with graceful degradation if
CSS3 is not available on a browser.

Regarding #2, this does not necessarily mean "no images." I think we
actually need *more* images. However, I think the images that we do have
need to be content (examples of music, etc.), not window-dressing.
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