On 11/26/13 6:12 AM, "Jan-Peter Voigt" <jp.vo...@gmx.de> wrote:

> In my former answer to Urs' post, I talked about the engraver I
>use. Here's the idea behind it again:
>- I have my music stored, to recall it when I actually engrave it.
>- I want to be able to say: Modify item x in measure n on moment m with
>modification (override) d

I think the proposed facility is the kind of thing that is needed.

I look forward to seeing your lalily fix updated to 2.18.  However, IIUC,
at the present your tool can only say: Modify at measure n on moment m in
context c with {    }.  That is, there isn't a way to identify an element,
so \tweak isn't available.

My "complex versioning strategy" (as Urs correctly called it) is to put
the music in a git repository, with a branch for content, and then a
separate branch for each edition.  The branches for each edition are
maintained to be one commit away from the content branch.  I would then
have a makefile with targets for each edition:

        git checkout a4_branch
        lilypond myScore

        git checkout beamer_branch
        lilypond myScore

It's more complex than having a single file that can be correctly
processed by lilypond, but it's doable with today's tools.



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