Am 26.11.2013 14:12, schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt:
Am 26.11.2013 11:31, schrieb Jan Nieuwenhuizen:
Sure. For that reason, I consider much of the time spent on tweaking
and tweaking tools a waste of lifetime better spent on trying to get the
automatisms right. Of course, that option is harder and requires
different resources. But it only needs to be done once.
Yes, although doing manual tweaks once or twice gives you a good feel
for how much work it is, how necessary the tweaks are for publication,
what the new automations should produce and what priorities you would
pick for automating these tweaks.
IMHO the chances to reduce the number of necessary tweaks for a
publication-ready score to zero are near zero, looking at the diversity
of musical scores.
So, (still IMHO) one should still spend hours to reduce the number of
necessary tweaks. But we should also work on good interfaces for
tweaking the engraving *and* on interfaces to separate content and
design. In my former answer to Urs' post, I talked about the engraver I
use. Here's the idea behind it again:
- I have my music stored, to recall it when I actually engrave it.
- I want to be able to say: Modify item x in measure n on moment m with
modification (override) d
That way I am able to tweak the full score and the instrument or vocal
parts differently without any - probably tagged - override in the
content file. And I can use the content for any paper size and layout
again, without any overrides in the content.
What do you think about it?
_I_ think that it's very close to what I would currently want to have.
In what way do you consider it experimental?
OTOH I can understand David's concerns: If we make it more comfortable
to tweak scores (and I think current plans for Frescobaldi are going a
_big_ step in that direction) we will take the pressure out of improving
the core.
But I agree: Zero tweaking is definitely impossible. That's why I
initially spoke about "quality demands at hand". If you are creating
performance material which even has to be flexibly re-formatted you
can't and don't need to have the same demands as when you publish a
printed score.
And exactly for this an approach like your edition engraver could be
very useful.
a) don't stop improving LilyPond to reduce the amount of necessary tweaks
b) write clean input files
c) hope they are sufficient for 'flexible' and 'perform only' use cases
d) store tweaks for a paper publication in a separate file.
Best, Jan-Peter
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