> If your variations are only one page long, you could achieve the
> same effect with ragged-last-bottom.  Keith is asking about
> ragged-bottom, which applies to every page of the score.

My concern is to compute a document where each page consists of a
single large system in its `natural', uncompressed shape.  The idea is
to be able to post-process lilypond's output, for example, to split it
into single pages which are then pasted (probably scaled) into another
document.  Now let's assume that we have a huge score with many staves
per system.  If compression is allowed, lilypond tries to fit each
page to the current paper size, even if ragged-bottom is active.
However, I would rather prefer that this doesn't happen silently, this
is, lilypond emits a warning that it can't fit the current system to
the page, and that a cut-off will happen.  This gives the user a
chance to increase the page size if necessary.

In other words, I can live with ragged-bottom compression if lilypond
emits a warning that it has to compress a page – and lilypond should
also emit the corresponding page number in the warning message.

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