On 28 Oct 2013, at 21:52, Graham Breed <gbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>> I have been studying 31 equal temperament and wish to implement Adriaan
>>>> Fokker's notation in Lilypond. I would very much appreciate it if you could
>>>> give me some help.
>>>> In search for a solution, I found a 2008 thread between you and Graham
>>>> Breed:
>>>> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Arbitrary-accidental-glyphs-td110936.html.
>>>> This seems to correspond to my problem, but unfortunately it is way beyond
>>>> my technical ability. I have even tried to study his codes for using
>>>> Sagittal in Lilypond (http://x31eq.com/lilypond/), but it was again too
>>>> technical for me. Editing the Metafont source also seems too difficult.
>> There seems to be a problem: Graham originally retuned pitchnamesEnglish, 
>> but that is no longer used in english.ly, which merely invokes \language 
>> ?english".
> There's no need for pitchnamesEnglish any more.

I was looking at an older version you sent me, but I got your site regular.ly 
working sort of.

>> Also, there LilyPond has a separate system for key signatures, so if one 
>> wants working microtonal such, one is essentially stuck with equal 
>> temperaments a multiple of 12.
> I'm not sure if this is a problem or not.  But at least conventional key 
> signatures will be retuned by regular.ly.

This seemed to work, too, but I am curious if what I did is right: it seems one 
typesets in E24, with LilyPond does not apply enharmonic equivalents. Then for 
the MIDI file, one retunes it. Is that so?


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