On 13-10-25 09:49 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Matthew Collett <m_coll...@ihug.co.nz> writes:
On 26/10/2013, at 4:10 pm, Colin Campbell <c...@shaw.ca> wrote:
We tried using \cadenzaOn to get the unmetered aspect, but the
fundamental problem is that \cadenzaOn turns off autoBeam, which in
turn means that manual beaming in a cadenza creates unwanted
So turn the autobeaming back on. I often use the combination of
\cadenzaOn \autoBeamOn', for exactly this reason.
Huh. Sounds like LilyPond does something wrong here. Should \cadenzaOn
leave autobeaming alone? Would this have more effects than different
The aim was to get vocal style beaming in beats, so that two eights are
beamed and four eights are beamed in twos. Using \cadenzaOn and
autoBeamon gives instrumental beaming, so three eights are beamed
together, rather than as a single eigth and a beamed pair. For greater
clarity, here is what I mean:
\version "2.17.29"
\language "english"
\header {
title = "Thou Shalt Know Him"
instrument = "Soprano 3 bars"
composer = "Mark Sirett"
bln = \bar "|"
\score {
% cadenza plus autobeam doesn't mess up lyrics but doesn't beam the
eights properly
\relative c'' {
\key e \major
e,8^"autobeam" b' \bln b4. gs8 fs gs \bln e2
\addlyrics { Thou shalt know Him when He comes }
\layout { }
\score {
%cadenza and manual beaming, per the manual, creates unwanted melismas
\relative c'' {
\key e \major
e,8^"manual beam = melisma" [b'] \bln b4. gs8 fs [gs] \bln e2
\addlyrics { Thou shalt know Him when He comes }
\layout { }
\score {
% this beams eigths in twos as singers like it
\relative c'' {
\key e \major
\time 1/4
e,8^"desired look" b' \bln b4. gs8 fs gs \bln e2
\addlyrics { Thou shalt know Him when He comes }
\layout {
\context {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
\remove Time_signature_performer
\context {
automaticBars = ##f
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both
You need to be able to throw something back.
-Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )
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