After wrestling with a transcription of an unmetered piece by Mark
Sirett (Thou Shalt Know Him), my wife and I were going bonkers trying to
get lyrics aligned to the notes. The piece has no time signature and
bars of uneven length. We tried using \cadenzaOn to get the unmetered
aspect, but the fundamental problem is that \cadenzaOn turns off
autoBeam, which in turn means that manual beaming in a cadenza creates
unwanted melismata. We worked out that taking out the \cadenzaOn(Off)
would help, and getting rid of a default time signature is easy enough,
by removing the engraver in the Staff context and entering explicit bars
( \bl = \bar "|" ), but we had to beam by hand and we still got barlines
in unexpected (i.e. we didn't enter them!) places. The last pieces of
the puzzle were to go to the Layout block and a Score context, to set
automaticBars = ##f , then back to our \global for a time signature of
1/4 so that autoBeam would group eighths in twos, Bob's your uncle, and
so to bed!
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both
hands. You need to be able to throw something back.
-Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )
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