Am 23.10.2013 10:55, schrieb Bric:

For scores with multiple instruments of various tunings, how do you tell lilypond to to render midi with "normalized" pitch (everything adjusted to concert pitch, appropriately) — WITHOUT transposing the visual, written notes.

E.g., a trumpet part is written a whole tone higher, and you want to keep it written that way, but, at the same time, you wanna hear your trumpet part sound in tune with its concurrent piano part.

The way things are right now, one needs to create an additional lilypond, containing WRITTEN transposition, to get a score like that sounding right. Or /is/ there are way to do it with a couple of code directives?

I'm not completely sure about it, but I think you should enter the music in concert pitch and let it be transposed only for the visual display. That way the MIDI output is correct automatically.

For your current problem (you probably already have entered the music) maybe you can get away with something like

music = \transpose bes c \music

to make \music concert pitch.
Or you use an editor like Frescobaldi and transpose your already entered part with that.



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