2013/9/29 Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>

> Looking into LilyJAZZ.ily I noticed some strange line-breaking issues.
> Worst and causing the problem, lines 164/165
> I've found
>          (let* ((alteration (if (grob::has-interface grob
> 'key-cancellation-
> interface) 0 (cdr alt)))
> on _two_ lines _and_  a space at line-end of 164 which separates
> "'key-cancellation-" from "interface"
> _If_ it's caused by convert-ly please file a bug-report!!
no, it's caused by copy&paste from mailing list archive

> Putting 'key-cancellation-interface together again solves the problem for
> me.

not for me, maybe there's something else I'm missing

I've just tried again on another machine and I get the same results: it
works great with 2.16 and I get the same error on 2.17.27.
I've tracked all the steps I've done in a Git repo:

Can you try those files?

Thank you
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