On Thu, 26 Sep 2013, Curt McDowell wrote:

Here's something like that, but using \postscript instead of \path. I can't get \path at 
the right origin. It seems to ignore an initial "moveto".
Even \postscript seems to set the origin differently depending on which note 
the markup goes on (hence two versions of the markup below).




\version "2.13.51"


Thank your for posting your \postscript example. But before I was able to view the result I had some trouble copying the lilypond code to a .ly file from my e-mail client (alpine). In the end I succeeded and was able to compile the example. But it would have saved me some trouble if the example was given as an attachment to the original message.

What is the recommended way to share LilyPond example code here in this mailinglist?


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